The Miracles of Moringa

Moringa, a very special and treasured ingredient at Oahu Organics.  One of the favorite tasks of our owner & founder Melanie is to go to the local farms to harvest the Moringa.  We take it through a dehydration process which enhances its already plentiful nutritional properties, then grind it to a powder which we then incorporate into our Nourish Line and Moringa Ultimate Oil.


Moringa has been used for centuries for its amazing health benefits. It is a tree native to Africa and Asia. Other popular names are Kalamúngai (Panay Bisáya), Malungai (Tagálog), as well as The Tree of Life and The Miracle Tree! Experts call it a jack of all trades plant since all parts of the plant can be used and it is packed with the goodness of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. All this makes moringa very effective when it comes to skincare and enhancing beauty



Here are some great reasons you should add Moringa to your skin care regime:

  1. Slows signs of ageing:  Moringa has many nutrients healthy for your skin including vitamin A, a vital component which builds collagen. It has vitamin C that helps to fight the signs of ageing. It has anti-inflammatory properties from the vitamin E it contains. Furthermore, it has a chemical called cytokinins that boost cellular growth on your skin and prevent cell destruction.
  2. Elevates complexion: Moringa may help improve your complexion by preventing blemishes, gives you an even tone, and helps in removing dark spots, pimples and blackheads.


  1. Protection: The antioxidants in moringa also help in protecting your skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. 


  1. Acne Fighting: It may seem counter-productive applying our Moringa oils on the face but due to its antibacterial properties moringa is helpful in preventing acne breakouts.

  2. Diminish pores size: Moringa can tighten skin and decrease pore size. Its health boosting collagen protein also helps in reducing pores.

  3. Hair Care: Due to its anti-bacterial properties, moringa may also prevent dandruff and flaky scalp. As stated before, Moringa has many vitamins and minerals which can also provide great beauty benefits to get longer, thicker and healthier hair.


Moringa provides essential nutrients for your body. Make use of this wonder herb daily to keep your skin clear and your body healthy!

Amber Long

Oahu Organics

Oct 2020 


To celebrate this miracle tree for the month of October please use the code MORINGA20 at checkout to receive 20% OFF all orders.